Push Contacts into Tend with TendID

Out of the box, Tend will automatically identify website visitors as they enter their email into a web form. However, there may be times where you need more control of the website visitors Tend identifies. In these cases, using TendID may be appropriate choice.

These instructions walk you through installing TendID onto your site. It takes just a few minutes to add the code snippet to your app or website.

If you haven't already, run through the typical Tend Install. Then copy and paste the code snippet below, before the tag on every page where you want to utilize TendID. The code snippet should appear above the Tend tracking script.


    window.tendID = {
        email: "<?php echo $current_visitor->email ?>", //required
        firstName: "<?php echo $current_visitor->firstName ?>", //optional
        lastName: "<?php echo $current_visitor->lastName ?>" //optional

Rails (Ruby)

    window.tendID = {
        email: "<%= current_visitor.email %>", //required
        firstName: "<%= current_visitor.firstName %>", //optional
        lastName: "<%= current_visitor.lastName %>" //optional

Django (Python)

    window.tendID = {
        email: "{{ request.user.email }}", //required
        firstName: "{{ request.user.first_name }}", //optional
        lastName: "{{ request.user.last_name }}" //optional


    window.tendID = {
        email: "{{ checkout.email }}"

Available parameters

Field Type Description
firstName string The visitor's last name
lastName string The visitor's last name
email string The visitor's email
company string The visitor's company
title string The visitor's title
website string The visitor's website
address string The visitor's address
city string The visitor's city
state string The visitor's state
zip string The visitor's postal code
country string The visitor's country
bio string The visitor's bio
custom_field string A value for the visitor's custom field. Use the custom field id, provided through the dashboard.